This is a diagnostic smart tool for Solid State Interlocking (SSI) date link problems and data link restoration.
SSI Data Links are notoriously difficult to fault find, particularly when there are multiple faults present e.g. following a lightning strike. The current maintenances regimes around the world requires that SSI Data Links are tested on a regular basis, which is expensive and time consuming.
REMOSdl is a tool to monitor the baseband links continuously and eliminate the need to carry out regular checking. It also provides faulting assistance when data link problems occur, e.g. following a lightning strike, allowing faster restoration of the link. It can also diagnose certain telecoms faults such as changes in delay as a result of changes to path length in diverse routing.
REMOSdl is a standalone and portable system that could be easily added retrospectively to a data link. It eavesdrops on the data link in order to monitor and report on performance changes.
It supplements the capability of existing SSI based asset watch systems to detect and identify faulty data components, including data link modules, isolating transformers, surge protection units and cable faults and incorrect termination.
This is Network Rail product approved.